Ballistics Calculator
I was commissioned to design a new ballistics calculator app for police and military snipers. The app is currently in development and will be released on the app store in the coming months.
While there are several ballistics calculator apps on the app store, none of them fit the specific needs of police and military snipers. After competitive market research and speaking with the user base, it became readily apparent that three key features needed to be included: A simplified interface for fast calculations, large buttons for gloved hands, and a dark UI for low-lights situations.
The first step of the project was to establish the look and feel of the app and come up with consistent visual identity. The key was developing a color set that would work in low-light scenarios.
Once a feature set and branding were established, wireframes, mockups, and prototypes began.
Products are never simply built. They are researched, designed, made, tested, refined, and re-developed. This particular product has undergone many iterations of development and testing and is nearing a final release.